Woo’s Wonderful World of Maths – Eddie Woo
Roadies – Stuart Coupe
The Children’s House – Alice Nelson
The Making of Men – Dr Arne Rubenstein
Raising Boys – Steve Biddulph
Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research & Issues – Linda Nielsen
Mothering Our Boys - Maggie Dent
In Crisis?

Dads in Distress
Tel: 1300 853 437

Mensline Australia
Tel: 1300 789 978

Tel: 13 11 14    

Men’s Rights Agency
Tel: 07 3805 5611

About Dads on the Air

Dads On The Air is a successful community radio program based in Sydney, Australia. It has been archived by the National Library of Australia and for researchers represents the most extensive collection of information on the push for family law and child support reform in Australia. It also documents the history of the fatherhood movement nationally and internationally and provides a fascinating insight into mainstream society’s shifting attitudes towards fathers and fatherhood.

The program began with a small group of disgruntled separated fathers in August 2000 and has since gone on to attract a team of people with extensive journalistic, entertainment, academic and internet experience.

Dads on the Air Incorporated is registered as an Incorporated Association with the NSW Department of Fair Trading.