A Fresh Look at Mental Health for Men

With special guest:
- Rae Bonney
… in conversation with Glen Poole & Pete Nicholls
Rae Bonney is an integrated wellbeing specialist who works with organisations to develop and deliver workplace mental health initiatives. She hosts two shows on 94.1FM 3WBC, a community radio station in Melbourne.
Rae is also a men’s issues advocate and is speaking at the I’m Just A Man Men’s Mental Health Awareness Gala in Melbourne alongside Movember founder, Adam Garone; AFL player, Tom Downie; and I’m Just a Man founder Dr Jim Skivalidas.
During a visit to Sydney Rae was invited to join in and address a Dads in Distress support group meeting. Rae also attended the National Male Suicide Prevention conference. In today’s program we get to hear about her work in an area she believes is not given enough focus.
Rae says:
“My whole life’s work is around advocating for the betterment of people (integrated wellbeing which embraces all aspects of the human condition).
“My main focus though is around the human rights of men. We cannot deny the astronomical rates of male suicide here in Australia (6 of the 8 suicides that occur every day).
“I feel there are so many more things that can be done in early intervention, provision of resources and recognition of the problem that could significantly reduce the incidence of male suicide.
“I hear way too many heartbreaking stories every single day of men who have died, attempted suicide or are simply just suffering in silence through injustice, stigma, judgement and a view that men don’t really matter. Men often feel that they can’t be good parents and are largely dangerous and disposable beings. Everyone matters and deserves the right to safety, security and understanding.”
Rae has a unique perspective that she brings to men’s issues and to Dads on the Air in today’s program. It is an important message told in a way that we can all relate to.
Song selections by our guest: Born to Run by Something for Kate & Angel by Sarah McLachlan
If this program has raised any concerns please contact:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78