A Men’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (AMENS)

With special guest:
- Mario Licha
There is a lot in the news these days on the topic of domestic violence but precious little information beyond the screaming headlines about the latest tragedy. Our guest today provides a rare look at the other side of the prosecutions, telling us about the person being prosecuted. He brings us the benefit of his experience after 10 years in the court room as a practising Barrister and a previous career as a Registered and Psychiatric Nurse.
Mario Licha founded A Men’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (AMENS) to provide advice and assistance to men who in a large number of cases have to face the Courts following a frivolous or vexatious claim being made against them. Mario is at the front line in this important area and he provides a clear voice amidst some of the hysteria.
Everyone in the community faces the real possibility of having to answer an accusation of domestic violence even if it presently seems a long way from likely. This is because the court looks unfavourably upon push even if it does not come to shove and it is hard to explain to a Court a momentary lapse in the heat of the moment.
Mario Licha provides clear and timely guidance for the community and not a moment too soon.
Mario Licha
Mario Licha was admitted as a Barrister in 2005 after being a Registered and Psychiatric Nurse for over 15 years. His nursing background brings a unique perspective to the practice of criminal law. Mario has a strong interest in Apprehended Violence Orders and is the founder of A Men’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (AMENS) dealing with men facing AVO proceedings. Mario has been influential in improving the consistency and efficiency of proceedings in the Local Court by way of his publications on the topic. Links to two of his recent articles are provided here. Contact details for Mario Licha for A Men’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (AMENS)
Song selection by our guest: Wasteland by Intensifire (from Inspire Church)
Apprehended Violence Orders: The criteria that must be met
Mario Licha
Apprehended Violence Orders: Costs
Mario Licha
Note: The program is a repeat of the one aired on 12 February 2015.