Breaking the Silence on Male Victims of Domestic Violence

With special guests:
- Dr Elizabeth Celi
- Emily Tilbrook
In the wake of White Ribbon Day 2011 and the recent amendments to the Family Law Act relating to domestic violence our show today presents an opportunity to discover the real story.
We speak first to Dr Elizabeth Celi an internationally recognised expert in the field of men’s health. Dr Celi is well known to our listeners and is an award winning speaker and media commentator on men’s issues. Our second guest is Emily Tilbrook a Psychologist and Researcher who is the lead author of the influential report titled Intimate Partner Abuse of Men.
Speaking to Emily Tilbrook illustrates the benefits of relying on proper research. This is too serious an issue for the community to be misled by agenda driven propaganda from misguided feminist groups and politically driven false statistics promulgated by the Federal Labor/Greens Government.
Dr Elizabeth Celi, Psychologist, Author and Media Commentator on her new book Breaking the Silence: A Practical Guide for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
This book is a practical guide that is sorely needed in 21st Century Australia. Just look at some of the figures quoted by Elizabeth Celi from sources as reputable as the ABS. When distressed and embarrassed men overcome their resistance and seek help, it is reported that between 43 and 64% were told “we only help women here.” In Australia there are fewer than 10 information sites and services specifically helping men experiencing family violence.
Yet as Elizabeth tells us, men comprise one in three victims of family violence. The violence may take the form of physical violence with or without a weapon or frequently it takes the form of psychological abuse.
But men need to know what to do when a situation arises. In her book Elizabeth gives some guidance on some Do’s and Don’ts in various situations, sets out the factors to consider on whether you stay or go and provides tips on keeping the kids safe.
There is a lot more practical guidance in the book and in our interview Dr Celi points the way forward. This is not to be missed.
Emily Tilbrook, Psychologist and Researcher at Edith Cowan University Perth and lead author of the Intimate Partner Abuse of Men Report
Our next guest in today’s show is Emily Tilbrook who is the lead author of a report setting out focussed research on the reality of intimate partner abuse of men in Australia.
It is refreshing to move away from the misconceptions and misleading information accepted by much of the community about this important topic. How best to fight the fear and rising panic over the supposed outbreak of domestic violence instigated by men against women? The best way, perhaps the only way, is to plug away with the facts as substantiated by authorities such as the ABS and by research in the area by respected bodies such as the Edith Cowan University.
Emily Tilbrook tells us about some of the findings from her research which included a few surprises. If you want the truth you will find it here.