Crimes Against Humanity

With special guests:
“Rick” Part 2
It is a dark time in our history when we are indifferent to the plight of 700,000 of the nations’ children, who have been forcibly torn from half of their biological family.
It is a dark time when we see nothing wrong with jailing those parents who dare to want to love and protect their children from harm and remain an important part of their lives.
Today we present Part 2 of the interview with ‘Rick’, a dad who has found himself in jail several times as punishment for trying to remain in contact with his children.
Our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, speaks proudly of the virtue of transparency and for the need of openness in discussions about what is best for Australia’s inhabitants. However the transparency he speaks about is very very limited, we cannot even reveal the identity of ‘Rick’ in case it reveals all those involved in his case, which of cause is rolled out as protecting the “Best Interest Of The Children”.
Even blind Freddy knows, what it really means is that on no account must the identity of the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity be revealed, like all those engaged in the removal of our children from their biological families. This multi-billion dollar family justice industry which forcibly removes our children from our care and protection is protected by the ignorance and indifference of our legislators who show not a shred of interest in the plight of 700,000 of our children.
The forcible removal of children from loving parents are barbaric crimes against humanity by whatever form of measurement you use, to think these appalling crimes have been allowed to flourish under successive governments for the past 35 years is even more frightening. It happens because of community apathy and indifference and our blindness to realize how easy it can happen to anyone who has children of their own.
Removing aboriginal children from their families was also once legally possible and morally condoned by our community as was slavery, however this didn’t make it right!
The stolen generation numbered around 50,000 aboriginal children and their removal wreaked havoc on the fabric of indigenous society. We currently have a stolen generation numbering 700,000 children in our community and not a whisper of concern from Canberra.
Our politicians from the Prime Minister down have been informed of these statistics and those that troubled themselves to answer the call, advised they had forwarded the information onto another department as it was not part of their portfolio.
Even the Australian Attorney General Robert McClelland, who is responsible for the administration of Family law, tried to pass these statistics off as belonging to the responsibilities of the minister for home affairs. Not one member of parliament from either side of politics, showed any concern for the welfare of these children or the despair of their dispossessed parents.
These are crimes against humanity, therefore if we want to be seriously viewed by the world as a caring society, then we still have a very long way to go.