Powerful Training for 21st Century Men

With special guests:
- Patrick Bishop
- Paul Mischefki
The role of men has been changing rapidly in the last generation and while the responsibilities have increased there has not been a corresponding increase in men’s rights and expectations. The role as breadwinner still falls largely to the men but what about the changes in what it means to be a father, lover, community member or a friend?
With the growing number of fatherless families and the state playing an increasing role in our every day lives there are times when all men feel lost and needing some direction.
Our guests today tell us about two successful groups that provide training for men by men as a way of reconnecting with men’s essential masculinity. These programs are not just for those men who are struggling to cope with the changes in the 21st Century, they are for all men who want to reach their potential by accessing the huge untapped energy that is within us.
If you want to hear about men who have gone from counting their years to living their days join Patrick and Paul on our program today.
Patrick Bishop
Our first guest today is Patrick Bishop who previously worked as a teacher and assisted homeless people in Sydney. Now he is an Elder, Trainer and Administrator with The Mankind Project (MKP) having been associated with the group for over 10 years. MKP is a not-for-profit organisation providing training for men at every stage of life mainly through its New Warrior Training Adventure weekends that are held around the country.
MKP is open about its core values and goals; it is inclusive and has no affiliation with any religion. Patrick tells us about a typical New Warrior Training Adventure weekend where a group of between 15 and 40 men will gather at a camp or retreat facility. Over the weekend there will be stories told; there will be laughs but also there will be challenges and in some cases a few tears shed.
Upcoming events are in Bellingen NSW on 24 August and later in the year in WA and Queensland. More information is available on the MKP website.
Paul Mischefski
Our next guest is Paul Mischefski who is the Editor of Mentor Magazine for Men’s Wellbeing a group with origins going back over 15 years. Men’s Wellbeing all began with a few good men who saw the need for men everywhere to spend quality time in the presence of other men in a healthy affirming respectful way. In 1998 their activities had grown such that it was necessary to create an incorporated not-for-profit association.
Paul tells us about some of the programs at Men’s Wellbeing including Common Ground Men’s Groups which are 9 week facilitated programs that explore the issues and challenges common to all men around masculinity, relationships, fathering, sex, intimacy and much more.
Other programs offered include Elders Circle and Rite of Passage to help men make the transition from one role to another. Men’s gatherings have welcomed men from 18 to 80 from all walks of life. To learn more about the various programs make sure you check out Mentor Magazine the next issue of which is due out in about a month’s time.
Song selections by our guests:
Patrick Bishop: Games People Play by Joe South
Paul Mischefski: The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics