
With special guests:
- Robert Belcher
- Geoffrey Greene and
- Sue Price.
The widespread use of propaganda by governments in the climate change debate to convince a naive population to accept yet more taxes and yet more government control has many corollaries with the taxpayer-funded war on fathers. Which is why Dads On The Air has paid particular attention to the debate.
With the Rudd government rapidly moving to overthrow even the extremely modest family law reforms of the Howard government, it is even more essential to understand how the government has essentially killed a social movement, by marginalising them, ridiculing them and failing to fund them. And by the incessant use of propaganda.
Robert Belcher is the founder of Sustainable Agricultural Communities Australia. He is one of the few voices speaking out against the Rudd government’s plans to literally change the entire rural landscape of Australia by converting it to carbon sink forests, using generous tax concessions to promote this change. The only way the Rudd government could claim that climate change will only cost the Australian tax payer $1 a day was to factor into the Treasury modelling the transformation of 34 million hectares of land to carbon sink forests. We only farm 28 million hectares. It is clearly insane. But all this, hidden away in the fine print so to speak, was lost on the public.
If the government had stood up and said: we want to change the entire landscape of the country for the as yet unproven theory of man-caused global warming, Australians wouldn’t have had a bar of it.
If the government stood up and said we are going to destroy the traditional role of fathers in family life, deny hundreds of thousands of children a relationship with their fathers and promote the interests of mothers above everything - even their own children - Australians wouldn’t have had a bar of it. If they had stood up and said we are going to drive many fathers to despair, financial ruin and suicide by hunting them down through our despised family law and child support systems everyone would have risen up in protest. But by dishonestly cloaking their agenda in social justice rhetoric and ludicrous claims of acting in “the best interests of the child” they’ve managed to get away with an appalling level of social engineering.
We close out the show talking with Geoffrey Greene from the Shared Parenting Council of Australia and Sue Price from the Men’s Rights Agency.
Don’t miss this fascinating program, as Dads On The Air proudly launches into its ninth year of broadcasting.