Separate Well or Separation Hell

With special guest:
- Peter Nowosielski
If we are planning on buying a house, a car or even a pair of shoes most of us will engage in some research before embarking down that road. Therefore it is passingly strange that when we arrive at a place where decisions are going to have a major impact on our lives and those we love the most our research is often limited to asking a few friends what they think. If professional advice is sought it is usually from the lawyers who in our adversarial system have most to gain from promoting conflict so that it finishes up in court.
Our guest today is a founder of Separate Well consultancy services providing expert independent advice on how to do the best for your family if separation from your partner is the only option. And in his book Separate Well or Separation Hell Peter draws on over ten years’ experience to dispel myths associated with separation and divorce. Peter provides practical advice in down to earth language. You will not find any lawyers’ jargon here.
Marriage breakup is something we usually do not have any experience in until we find ourselves in the middle of it. All of a sudden our life savings, our most important relationships and our financial future are threatened. The risk is that with all the emotion riding high we will do something we later regret. Peter tells us how to minimise the impact on your children, on you personally and also on the relationship with your former partner.
In our society where a high proportion of marriages do finish with separation there is a real need for Peter’s advice on how to reduce stress and anxiety. For practical, sensible and very valuable advice listen in to Peter Nowosielski as our special guest this week.
Peter Nowosielski
Peter Nowosielski is a Separation Transition Consultant and a Registered Nurse with a Grad Dip in Mental Health and qualifications in Counselling. Peter is a Training Consultant, Parenting in Separation Consultant and Children’s Advocate. He has worked in separation/divorce and collaborated in various family projects for many years and written articles for various organisations regarding the effects of separation on children. During his working career he has seen first-hand the devastating effects of family dysfunction in separation and divorce. He spends as much time as he can with his two beautiful daughters, Eva and Claire.
Song selection by our guest: Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses