Should Mums and Dads share parental leave?

With special guest:
- Adrienne Burgess
Our guest today talks to us from London. Adrienne Burgess has researched paternity leave around the world and she tells us what is important from both the parents’ and the children’s perspectives with a few surprises.
Paid parental leave has stirred up a lot of feeling in Australia after being made the signature policy of Prime Minister Abbott. We are still uncertain about what is planned or even when changes are likely to be introduced. Minister Kevin Andrews stated recently that it was not yet possible to say whether a revamped passage would be ready for its scheduled start on July 1, 2015.
Australian practice in this area is lagging when compared with the innovative approach taken in other countries as for example Iceland but now we have a golden opportunity to let our politicians know what is important before they legislate. For a real expert’s view on a topic that is so important and so current tune in to hear Adrienne Burgess answer the big questions
Adrienne Burgess
Adrienne Burgess is the joint CEO and Head of Research at the Fatherhood Institute. Adrienne has written widely on fatherhood and couple relationships. Adrienne trains and speaks on fatherhood across the world, most recently in Qatar, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York and Australia. Her research summaries on fathers and fatherhood are freely downloadable from the Fatherhood Institute website. Her recent peer reviewed article Engaging fathers - recommendations for a game change in parenting interventions based on a systematic review of the global evidence co-authored with academics at Yale University was published in June 2014 in the prestigious Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Adrienne is currently managing a major research project in the UK - Contemporary Fathers in the UK: what do we know? what do we need to know? This collates and describes UK fatherhood research since 1998.
Song selection by our guest: Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder