SuperDad SpeedBible: The toolbox for men with young kids

With special guest:
- Ryan Heffernan
Ever thought about how when you leave the hospital with your new baby you do not receive an instruction manual? Our guest this week Ryan Heffernan has addressed this issue. In his entertaining and informative book Ryan provides a welcome toolbox for any Dad left with the responsibility of caring for a young child in the age range of 0-6. In fact any parent will welcome this no-nonsense source book for handling the challenges of parenting where you get the benefit of learning from a single Dad’s experience. What’s more with Ryan Heffernan giving us the lesson there is a lot of fun to be had which everyone can enjoy.
Ryan Heffernan
Ryan Heffernan is a recognised Australian television producer, investigative journalist and writer. As a journalist he has flown into cyclones in a light plane, sat with families of Bali bombing victims and was then faced with his greatest challenge, single parenthood. His new book is called SuperDad SpeedBible published by Jane Curry Publishing and available now.
Song selection by our guest: Cherub Rock by Smashing Pumpkins