The other glass ceiling: fathers stepping up, mothers letting go

With special guest:
- Charles Areni
In the news lately there have been frequent references to pay differentials between males and females. This is often put down to the different opportunities available in the workplace because of gender roles that are a hangover from a less-enlightened past. But what about the denial of opportunities to look after the children and get involved in other areas around the home? In brief, Mums have too many roles, Dads have too few.
In this insightful and sometimes provocative new book written by Professors Charles Areni and Stephen Holden the authors challenge Dads to step up to a bigger role and encourage Mums to let go in some of the domains they have dominated because of this other glass ceiling, one that is not often spoken about. There are benefits to both parents and most particularly the children if this approach is adopted. For an entertaining and informative take on this most important topic, tune in to hear Professor Charles Areni discussing his new book The other glass ceiling: fathers stepping up, mothers letting go.
Charles Areni
Professor Areni has a Ph.D. from the University of Florida and is the Pro Dean, Associate Dean of Research & Professor in Management at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management at Macquarie University. Charles had a son in 2000 and a daughter in 2004 before separating in 2007. He had 50% shared parenting as a single father for 5 years and the book is largely based on those experiences.
Song selection by our guest: Cat’s in the Cradle by Harry Chapin
Note: This program is a repeat of the one aired on 18 December 2014.