With special guest:
- Bettina Arndt
Today we go to the movies to find out if taking the red pill is dangerous.
In Melbourne a film screening of THE RED PILL was banned on the grounds that Australians should not see a film that expressed a contrary view and it was argued by people who had never seen the film that it contained some violence. This is not the 1950’s, it happened in October 2016.
Our guest today is Bettina Arndt who was so outraged by this denial of this ordinary right to see a documentary film that she has taken up the cause to let Australians decide for themselves what the fuss is about.
THE RED PILL has an interesting history in that it was made by a well-known feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye. Cassie’s intention when she started was to take a good look at some of the men’s issues, thinking she was going to send up men’s rights groups. But a funny thing happened. After investigating what was really going on she concluded that there are serious issues impacting on men and that the extreme feminists are behaving badly in shutting down proper debate on these issues. In Australia it goes so far that some feminists wanted to shut down the debate on shutting down the debate in the USA and Canada.
The good news is that the Melbourne screening at the Palace Theatre eventually took place as a result of crowdfunding which attracted a huge response from people offended by the idea that in a free country like Australia it is possible for a small lobby group to determine what the rest of us are allowed to see.
The lobby groups did have some initial success in stopping some viewings in Sydney and tried hard to close down a Brisbane event but arrangements have now been made for several showings in Sydney and it will be on the screens soon in most of the nation’s capitals as well as some regional centres. This is not just a victory for men’s rights it is a victory we can all share for free speech.
For those who are willing to consider what happens to men in our society this is hugely important and listeners are encouraged to find out more about the film and the screenings by going to the new expanded website of Bettina Arndt.
This is an important show for our listeners and as always when we talk to Bettina Arndt it is a lively, challenging discussion. Don’t miss it!
Bettina Arndt
Bettina Arndt was the Editor then publisher of The Australian Forum Magazine which led to frequent appearances on national television and radio where she is recognised as an expert on human sexuality. Bettina holds a Bachelor of Science degree from ANU and a Master of Psychology from UNSW. She has worked as a Clinical Psychologist and lectured on human sexuality to medical students and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners among other professional bodies. Bettina is the author of five books including The Sex Diaries and What Men Want - In Bed. Click here to follow her blog.