What Our Policy Makers Need To Hear

- Family Law Amendments Discussion
Today’s on-air DOTA team of Ian Purdie, Phillip York and Ray Lenton, discuss the hidden deceptive details of the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011, as proposed by the Gillard Government.
Areas of greatest concern are: 1. The Repeal of s117AB relating to costs orders for false allegations. 2. The proposed amendments to s60CC (3) (c ) the benefit to the child having a meaningful relationship with both parents. 3. The 4AB Definition of family violence, 4. Subsection 4(1)(c ) which deals with the definition of abuse.
There is a general apathy by our elected representatives to take an active interest in these amendments, even when there is no doubt the outcome will be disastrous for the nation’s children and their families.
The fact that these proposed amendments show the same bungling ineptitude in policy development, as that used in the Pink Bats and Cash for Clunkers fiasco’s, does not even appear to register with our elected members.
In short, what the amendments propose is to actually reward liars for their criminal acts of perjury and perverting the course of justice and also recommends rewarding the most unreasonable parent for being unreasonable. The amendments further propose lowering the definition of family violence bar, to ensure every member of the community will qualify as an abuser in one form or another.
Astonishingly, these proposed Gillard Government Family Law amendments, have not caused alarm bells to ring in the ranks of our Federal Opposition, causing further dismay and disillusionment at the lack of quality and competence of our elected representatives.
Any parent about to separate, who is contemplating going to court in the hope of obtaining a just outcome for their children, would be well advised to listen to today’s Family Law discussion, in order to prepare themselves for what lies ahead.
It is also important to remember, that you will not receive any genuine sympathy or help from your elected representative, unless you are a dysfunctional parent who is willing to lie and kidnap your children and indoctrinate them into turning against their other parent.