Movember’s got a new MOVE

With special guest:
- Sam Gledhill
Since 2003 the month after October has had a new name which inspires men in 21 countries around the world to change their appearance. Yes it is Movember and that is when the upper lips of businessmen, sportsmen, young men, older men and males of all descriptions sprout for a good cause.
Our guest today is Sam Gledhill, Men’s Health Program Manager for Movember. Sam tells us about the storied beginnings of this great Australian charity. From a challenge over a few beers between mates it has now raised over $685 million and the proceeds have been applied in areas where there was little attention paid by health policy makers.
Few people recognise that prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian men. On average 9 Australian men will die from prostate cancer every day of the year. Testicular cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in young men aged between 18 and 39. In 2012 a total of 2,535 Australians died by suicide and 75% of them were men. Now we have the opportunity available to hear directly from Sam what Movember is doing in these neglected areas.
Movember supports innovative breakthrough research and programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. This is done by working with other groups such as Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Beyond Blue and directly through the Movember Foundation. Movember raises funds in a fun way that even involves the females (Mo-Sisters). If you cannot grow a moustache, never mind, there is the new program called MOVE where everyone is encouraged to move more in Movember. This might mean a 10km run or it could just be going for a walk around the neighbourhood. Whatever you choose, the idea is to move every day in November and beyond.
Sam tells us about another very welcome program called HEALTHY DADS which is dedicated to new fathers who sometimes do it tough amid all the emotion of having a new child in their lives.
Most of us now recognise Movember, we can’t help but notice the walking billboards all around us in the second last month of the year. To find out a bit more about what it means, where it came from and where it is going this interview with Sam Gledhill is an absolute must and a bit of fun as well.
Sam Gledhill
Sam Gledhill was appointed as Men’;s Health Program Manager of Movember in 2011. He loves statistics and unsurprisingly for someone who comes from the beautiful Mornington Peninsula he loves his AFL. Sam witnesses from up close the benefits that the Movember Foundation brings to the community and sees the future of Movember as having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.
Song selections by our guest: Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey & Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen