Sole Fathers United

With special guest:
- Tyrell Moore
Six years ago Tyrell Moore found himself in a place he had never been before. He was a single Dad with sole care of his then two year old daughter.
Tyrell recognised that he was in desperate need of support but when he searched for services catering for single Dads in Melbourne he came up with nothing. Tyrell knew that all fathers and children need a network where they can get together so he started his own support group and called it Sole Fathers United.
What makes this service unique is that the group incorporates the children in most of their activities so the Dads do not have to find something for their children to do when they attend a Sole Fathers United function. This is great for the Dads who want to attend but not only that, it is good for the children to connect with other children in similar situations. At these meetings there are lots of useful activities from learning about First Aid to how to cook a nutritious meal.
The number of single Dads in the community is growing. In 2010 there were 131,850 single parent families headed by the father. If the Family Court continues down the path for children to spend equal time with their parents after divorce this need for improved services is going to grow.
Tyrell’s work has been recognised in a number of newspaper articles, an appearance on A Current Affair in 2013 and the Local Community Father of the Year in 2011. This has led to sponsorship from the local Council and local businesses but to continue with this important work more help is needed. Tyrell is looking for support from the state government so that the group can access emergency housing. Up until Tyrell took action there was no emergency housing for men in all of Victoria. In fact it is believed that a shelter in Tasmania is the only such housing available anywhere in Australia.
Talking to Tyrell is inspiring in showing us what one person can do. It is also fun at times to hear about the Dads in the kitchen. But most of all we hope that Tyrell’s story today will bring out some supporters. For all the information you need on Sole Fathers United and the work Tyrell is doing where support is needed listeners can Google Sole Fathers United.
Tyrell Moore
Tyrell Moore was employed as a Youth Justice Worker with the Department of Human Services in Victoria until February 2015. He is undertaking a Bachelor of Arts degree at Latrobe University and planning to study Psychology and Law. He has a Diploma in Business, Certificate IV in Business and Certificate IV in Community Services. And he is a proud Dad.
Song selections by our guest: Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses & Real Men by Joe Jackson